Monday, December 22, 2008

Another Movie Idea

Ok, been looking at some christian game studios and the lack of games that have stepped out of the box to make something original and truly epic...and I thought of this:

I'm thinking it's kind of a RPG or Shooter...not sure yet though.
You begin as an Angel in some rubble awaiting orders to attack, and after hacking through demons a while you level up and gain this ability called "Life", which heals you. After hacking some more you finish the level and gain your second ability...a shield! (that's right it's the Angel from WoW's Pally) which lets you block, bash and shield Ram. You learn this separated a little bit from each other though. At the end of the second level, you hear a soft still voice asking you if you'd like to be chosen for a special mission (which you obviously say yes) and begin the 3rd level as a human but you're in the same place...Wyoming. Now, the skirmish wasn't in Wyoming did so in another dimension, so to speak. Think of the world as a shell, and under it is Hell...and you can traverse it in either dimension depending on what you have to go over, through, around. Cause as a human, you literally are human. No special powers, sword, or shield. You get to run, climb, and jump...or and you save people when you can.

I'm thinking that once you save 5 people (from traffic, mugging, and that sort of thing) you gain Angelic Touch (heal people), at 25 you can use your shield, after 50, your sword, and after 100, you can be seen as an Angel while in human form....don't worry, there's lots of people that need saving out there.
Oh, and human form does give you the ability to sense demons, and you can always "Pray" to save your game, but not in a fight of course, because it takes 4 seconds for the save and you must kneel. So, I'm thinking that since you become completely human while in human form, you save this girl like 5 times, and she gives you a place to stay, food, and conversations that determine your path for the rest of the game. Maybe you fall in love with her (or him if you choose to play as a girl since Angels are neither) and choose a life as a human, or maybe you like her, but stay to your duty as an Angel...or maybe you don't like her at all...hmmmm.

Anyway, you battle some more and gain some more abilities...I'm thinking something like:
"Truth" - a giant swing of your sword that hits enemies in an arc for decent damage.
"Way" - A downway sword swing that hits enemies up to 30 feet from you in a line.
"Faith" - Strengthens your defense, and enemies take damage when you block.
"Cristo" - You cry out the name of Christ, panicking, and sometimes deafening those within 30 feet.

Maybe it goes and since you're in human form, Satan knows you can be tempted...and does so in order to get you to side with him. You choose certain senarios and decisions and end up either siding with Satan, who uses you to gain control of something important, then slaughters you and has you sent back to the somehow get revived, and realize what you did...ask forgiveness, or you chose to fight the temptation, and Satan ends up capturing and torturing you, and sending your almost dead body back to earth, where you get revived as well.

---I'm thinking that Satan doesn't torture you, but a general or something does.

Then you ask God for the ability to Destroy the general. After proving your faith again (if you chose to go AWOL) or proving that you have the ability to defeat him, you are given a new sword and shield. Also a new suit of armor entirely...though I have a few ideas on what that could be. Maybe nothing...just clothes, and your armor is your would be interesting.

Also, thinking about throwing in some advanced sword techniques...but I dunno if they'd be based on buttons or chosing them through a menu, or even based on your position in relation to the enemy. I'm thinking buttons, using RT (360 controller) as swing or block and LT as the other. RB as Way, LB as Bash, X as run, A as Jump, Y as Life, B as Melee or something.

I'm thinking of an Over-the-shoulder viewpoint, but further back than RE4. Enough to see all of yourself and a little but more. I guess that would be a close 3rd person view.

It's an interesting concept...I've thought of some dialog for it, and some random funny things as well. It would be at least 2 or 3 Disks, which would make it the longest Shooter EVER. lol

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