Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Star Crack

So yeah...after spending hours looking at my Star Wars cards I had to ask myself the question: "Why did I quit, really?"

At first I didn't know...a lot of things bothered me about the game, and about people who played the game. Mainly cause Wizards hated the TCG, or just didn't care, and let it fall away by not advertising it at all. I truly believe that Star Wars was 2nd only to Magic for about 2 years; 2004-05ish.

Secondly, because of people who played the game that I knew had every card in the game...foil, and every time I got a sweet new card or that wicked cool Promo Boba Fett they'd wanna trade all these cards they knew I needed for it. I guess it was just how they played...when I would lose to them I'd feel like less of a person in ways, not because of the deck strategy, but because of how they played...emotionally I suppose.

After pondering these things for a minute or two I wondered what I loved about the game...and I came up with this: It's Star Wars and all my friends do it. I know that sounds lame, but it's the same reason why I'm playing WoW right now. I've got friends that I can play with online.

getting to the heart of this, I lost my Tusken deck and a few other cards...I think Russ has them, so I was angry...cause the Tusken deck is THE deck in my universe. Dark Side can be whatever...but Tuskens are for me. So i went looking on the net...and found lackey. This program basically lets me play with others over the net and have ALL the cards in ALL sets. pretty sweet. I've already made a bunch of decks, and I need to tweak them.

So this blog is basically just to say "hey...if you ever played SWTCG...get Lackey, make a deck or two...and play me." I already have phil and Russ playing it. Maybe if we get 6 or so we can do an online tournament or something fun like that.

Oh and I heard that Bioware released info on The Old Republic, the new MMORPG. I want!! Google it.

---Ewok Avengers---

Friday, October 10, 2008

Lappy 486

So yeah, got my laptop, and I'm typing on it right now. I love this thing. It is great in so many more ways than I thought it would be. Dell can shove it and this laptop has the power to make them. Not a problem with it yet. I deleted some crap that everyone HAS to keep putting on premade laptops...like Norton. AVG all the way. It came with this game...ALone In THe Dark. It's absolutely insane...but interesting. I'll prolly play it in between classes or something. Only problem I have with it so far is the power cord is kinds short, but I think I can fix that cause I can find the shorter end of it that goes into the wall at Radioshack or something for a couple bucks...heh, I may even have one laying around the house.

I'm swamped...I have a 4 page paper to write this weekend, then a mid-term on monday. Oh, and I almost forgot my finals project that I am COMPLETELY redoing this weekend....tomorrow WILL suck.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Laptop inc!

That's right, my new laptop is ordered...I hope it will be here by Thursday, but who knows. I'm just glad it's here. Want a picture...here ya go.

My new laptopz

I think it will pwnzors you.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

One life

He never thought he cared so much about the minute hand
Until he started praying for, a second chance
If he could only do it all again
He'd trade the long nights that he spent behind his desk
For all he missed

He tells his wife, "I wish that this moment in this room
Was not me dying,
But just spending a little time with you."

You only get just one time around
You only get one shot at this
One chance, to find out
The one thing that you don't wanna miss
One day when it's all said and done
I hope you see that it was enough, this
One ride, one try, one life...
To love....

She never thought she cared so much about those little hands
That held on tight the day she left
Til she was scared to death
Sitting all alone on a hotel bed, the end of the road
The sun had set on her big plans
To feel young again

She picks up the phone, dials the number, hears that little voice
That's haunted every single mile, since she made that choice

You only get just one time around
You only get one shot at this
One chance, to find out
The one thing that you don't wanna miss
One day when it's all said and done
I hope you see that it was enough, this
One ride, one try, one life...
To love............

You only get just one time around
Only get one shot at this
One chance, to find out
The one thing that you don't wanna miss
One day when it's all said and done
I hope you see that it was enough, this
One ride, one try, one life........
One ride, one try, one life........
To love....
To love....
I don't even know what to say about this song...it's just so good. Basically saying to slow down in life. That sometimes the things we need and deserve in life are better than the things we want for ourselves, and the dreams we chase. Above all, you can't ride through life with hate on your back...you won't make it very far.